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Showing posts with label Internal Security Act (ISA). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internal Security Act (ISA). Show all posts

Remember, we study history to try and understand the past, not to judge it

In 1991, the brother of the Sabah Chief Minister, Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, was detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) for allegedly plotting to take Sabah out of Malaysia. With the detention of Dr Jeffrey, this more or less ‘confirmed’ the rumour of the plot to take Sabah out of Malaysia and subsequently for Sabah to join the Philippines.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
"Remember, we study history to try and understand the past, not to judge it." That was what my lecturer told me this morning. I think he is chiding me for being too judgemental in my comments regarding the English Civil War and the conflict between King Charles I and Parliament, the course I am currently taking.
With that spirit as the backdrop, I would like to give you my analysis regarding the current controversy raging in Malaysia -- and that is the controversy regarding the Sabah immigrants issue that is being investigated by the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI).

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