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CAPS supports SHAREDA's call on MyHome Scheme

BY Ezra Haganez
KOTA KINABALU :  In conjunction with World Habitat Day yesterday, the Consumer affairs and Protection Society of Sabah (CAPS) has called on both the Federal and State Governments to pave for more affordable houses be built for locals, including the younger generation.

CAPS spokesman, Donny Yapp, in a statement said ways and means must be found to have more low-cost housing be developed instead of medium and high cost houses as the trend had been.

Actually there is no Malay race, says veteran writer

By Joe Fernandez
The Tamils in the peninsula are more Orang Asal than others except the Orang Asli.

Tamil schools in the Federation cannot be questioned because the first civilisation in the peninsula was Kadaram in Kedah which was a trading bridge between India and China.

The Kadaram people, Hindus from India, were the first to settle down in the peninsula after the Orang Asli. Kedah comes from kedai (Tamil for shop). There were many shops in Kadaram.

Komen-Mengomen Bersama Fredolin E. Lojingki

Saya ucap 'thank you' kepada Borneo Herald sebab bagi 'chance' orang tua buka cerita-cerita pengalaman sebagai orang tua di ruangan ini.

Saya ni sudah veteran pada umur menjangkau 74 saya sudah melihat segala-galanya sekurang-kurangnya di Sabah, bumi tercinta kita ini...

Badan yang sudah tua tetapi hati masih berkobar-kobar semangat ini umpama seorang jejaka melihat gadis melimpas pantang mesti mata kita melihat jua.

There is no Malaysia in Borneo, says veteran writer Fernandez

By Joe Fernandez
If you are free to enter a partnership, you are also free to leave it. If you are not free to leave a partnership, then it's not a partnership. It's occupation and re-colonization.

The issue is that Malaysia has no legitimacy in Borneo. If someone steals your land, you have to get it back. Not live as a slave on your own land with the thief.

MAWASI: Sampai Bila Bersabar? - SSPR

Ranau: Sebuah NGO, Sepakat Satu Perjuangan Ranau (SSPR), menegur kenyataan media oleh Datuk Ewon Ebin, Ahli Parlimen Ranau yang menggesa penduduk tiga kampung yang terlibat dengan masalah tanah supaya bersabar walaupun masalah telah berlarutan sejak berpuluh tahun dulu dan masih belum diselesaikan. Tiga kampong yang terlibat itu ialah Kg. Malinsau, Wayan dan Sinurai atau dikenali sebagai MAWASI.

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